Jobs at hathiram@iitbhilai.ac.in
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Advertisement for the post of Project Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in IDEAS-TIH funded Research Project, IIT Bhilai
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in an IDEAS-TIH-funded research project at IIT Bhilai with the following details:
Title of the Project:Design and development of an Augmented Reality-based Real-Time IP Core for an advanced driver-assistance visualization system under hazy and rainy weather conditions
Principal Investigator:Dr. Hathiram Nenavath,Assistant Professor (Grade-I), Department ofElectronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), IIT Bhilai, Kutelabhata, Khapri, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India-491001. (hathiram@iitbhilai.ac.in). For other details and the project team, please visit the homepage:https://www.iitbhilai.ac.in/index.php?pid=rec_staff(or)https://www.ideas-tih.org/jobs.
Name of the position:Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Number of Positions:one
Essential qualifications:B.E/B.Tech and M.E/M.Tech both in Electronics and Communication Engineering or relevant specializations, with a minimum 60% mark (or a minimum CGPA of 6.5 on a 10-point scale).
Desirable:The candidate should have adequate knowledge in Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and FPGA Image Processing; possess excellent programming skills in Python; and have good scientific writing skills.
Age limit:should not exceed 28 years on the last date of submission of the online application. Age relaxation may be given to outstanding candidates or candidates with relevant experience.
Salary:Rs. 31,000/- (Rupees thirty-one thousand only) plus 18% HRA per month.
Duration:3 years.
Other Benefits:The selected candidate is eligible to register for a PhD degree at IIT Bhilai as per institute rules.
How to apply:Interested candidates must apply on the application form attached to this advertisement. A duly completed application form along with the candidate’s resume must be mailed or emailed to the PI to reach him byMarch 19, 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The positions are available immediately.
Due date:The application must reach the PI,Dr. Hathiram Nenavath(hathiram@iitbhilai.ac.in), byMarch 19, 2024.
Terms & Conditions:
- Preference will be given to candidates having GATE/NET or working experience relevant to the project.
- After joining the service of the Institute, the person will have to abide by the Rules, Regulations, Ordinances, Statutes and Acts of the Institute applicable from time to time.
- The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a person at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. Suppose it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake, or the person has clandestine antecedents or background and has suppressed the said information. In that case, their services shall be terminated, and legal action may be initiated against such candidates/ employees.
- Canvassing in any form will disqualify the post.
- The decision of the selection committee will be final.
- The selected candidate will have to join duty immediately on receipt of the offer.
- The fellowship may be terminated with a 30-day notice before completion of the tenure if performance till date is not deemed satisfactory.
- Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for an interview.
- Written test and/or interview date will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates in due course.
- Applications with incomplete information or without supporting documents will be summarily rejected.
- Specific queries, if any, may be directed tooffice@ideas-tih.orgorhathiram@iitbhilai.ac.in.
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